
WinGslib Help Page: Post Processing Programs

The GSLIB programs write gridded values in a specific order (X fastest, then Y, then Z, then by realization). It is often convenient to add the spatial coordinates so that the results can be imported to commercial software. The Add Coordinates (addcoord) program performs this operation.

Indicator kriging (ik3d) reports the probabilities associated to specified cutoffs. The Indicator Kriging Post Processing (postik) program will calculate a number of summary statistics of the local indicator kriging-based distributions, e.g., the fraction and mean value above a threshold.

Often, it is convenient to summarize multiple realizations to display the local average (which will be close to kriging), the probability to exceed a critical threshold and so on. The Processing of Multiple Realizations (postsim) program will read multiple realizations from any of the GSLIB programs and calculate the requested summary statistics.
