
WinGslib Help Page: Simulation Programs

There are numerous simulation programs in GSLIB. Most are rarely used; the sgsim and sisim programs are used extensively.

The Monte Carlo Drawing (draw) program is a very basic simulation program that can be used for the bootstrap or to understand the elements of stochastic simulation.

There are two Gaussian simulation programs: the LU (lusim) program, and the Sequential Gaussian (sgsim) simulation program. The LU simulation program is a small matrix-method program that is suitable for small grids (less than 2500 or so grid nodes). The sgsim program is widely used for simulation and cosimulation.

The Gaussian Truncated (gtsim) program may be used in conjunction with sgsim to accomplish simulation of categorical variables. This program performs no simulation, rather simulated Gaussian values (from sgsim) are truncated according to locally-variable thresholds.

The Probability Field (pfsim) program is another post-processing program that takes one file of conditional distributions (Gaussian or indicator) and simultaneously draws from them with correlated probabilities that are input as either Gaussian or uniform scores.

The Boolean (ellipsim) program is to illustrate the concept of randomly placing objects to create a categorical-variable 3-D realization. This program does not honor local data.

There are three Sequential Indicator Simulation (sisim) programs. The sisim program is a general purpose indicator simulation program. There is a special version for local means (_lm program) and for a gridded secondary variable (_gs program).

The two Simulated Annealing (anneal and sasim) programs are for image cleaning and continuous variable simulation, respectively. The anneal program will extract statistics from a training image and post- process input realizations to more closely honor the input statistics. The sasim program will generate realizations that honor input histograms, variograms, bivariate relationships, and indicator variograms. These programs require some tradecraft for difficult problems to set realistic annealing schedules.
